Parents & Friends


Holy Family Catholic Primary School was set up by the Cathedral Parish to assist parents in educating children in the Kelso area in 1979. From these initial beginnings, parents have played an important role in the life of the school. In the early days, parents painted rooms, attended working bees, constructed equipment, purchased resources and enabled the school to open and operate successfully.

Today, the P & F continues to contribute significantly to the life of the school. The ongoing contribution made by the parent group is an obvious expression of the support families have towards the school. The P & F supports the engagement of parents in the education of the children.


The P & F recognises and values the role that parents and carers play in the education of their children and in the school and parish community generally and aims to strengthen the partnership between family, school, parish and the wider community for the benefit of their child's overall development and learning.

OFFICE BEARERS At the Annual General Meeting usually held in Term 1, the following executive office bearers are elected:

  • President (Chairs meetings, guides the decisions made by the P & F, confers with the Principal, often writes an annual report to parents.)
  • Secretary (Records meeting minutes, receives correspondence, supports the President.)
  • Treasurer (Prepares a monthly financial report, maintains financial records.)

The Association has its own specific Constitution developed by the 'Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst'. This is tabled at the AGM each year.


The Holy Family School P & F Association meets on the first Tuesday of each month (or as determined by the Executive) at 7.30 p.m. in the school library. Meetings are relatively informal and all families are invited to attend.


The P & F Association is also involved in a variety of other activities from time to time. These could include: Welcome Family Night, Trivia Night, Games Night or Dinner Dance. On a few occasions, the Association has also organised other social nights for parents. These activities are always open to all parents.


In recent years, the P & F Association has funded the following at the school:

  • Interactive Whiteboards
  • Reading books for classrooms
  • Playground equipment
  • Upgrade and maintenance of the Food Van & BBQ Trailer
  • Class sets of iPads, Chromebooks and charging trolley
  • IT and Library resources
  • Sports uniform and leadership blazers
  • Contribution towards the Library refurbishment, the Learning Hub / ICT and Digital Learning Space refurbishment
  • School Grief Kits
  • Sets of Atlases


Mr Mark Bates was a teacher and Religion Education Co-ordinator at Holy Family School for ten years. At the age of 46 in 2003 he lost his battle with cancer. Mark always took a special interest in the children at the school. In his memory, a scholarship is awarded each year to a student in Year 6. The School Executive and Year 5 teachers determine who will receive the scholarship. This award covers the student’s school fees in Year 6. 50% is paid by the P & F, 50% paid by school.


The School’s Food Van was originally designed and built by parents of students at the school in the early 1980’s. Considerable voluntary time and expertise was put into the actual construction of the Van. The P & F maintain the Van and ensure it is a quality food service operation.

The Food Van is the P & F’s major source of fundraising. The Food Van, along with a BBQ trailer, operate at a variety of events held in Bathurst each year. The P & F Executive decide on the events for catering each year.


P & F Meeting in our School Library. 


'Our wonderful Food Van Workers'

Parents can especially be involved with the Food Van by regularly volunteering to help on the rosters. It can be a lot of fun, and it is a great way to get to know other parents. On the job training is provided and a suitable job can be found for everyone. Tasks include: BBQ, hot chip frying, selling at counter, buttering and assembling food, cleaning, supplies…We can find a job for everyone!

The Food Van is a very worthwhile enterprise, raising a substantial amount of money each year for all the students of Holy Family School. Importantly, money raised from the Food Van is from outside the school. This means we rarely rely on school raffles or the like which usually means ‘parents pay’.

The use of the Food Van relies on parent help. We invite and encourage all parents to be involved throughout the year.

Other Fundraisers

The P & F conducts other fundraisers from time to time. Initiatives can be put forward at a monthly P & F meeting for consideration. Regular fundraisers include: lamington drive, pie drive, trivia night, Bingo nights, an occasional raffle, etc.