Key Learning Areas


Holy Family Catholic Primary School is registered by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) via the Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst (CEDB). We offer a comprehensive teaching and learning program based on eight Key Learning Areas:

  1. Religious Education
  2. English
  3. Mathematics
  4. Science and Technology
  5. History
  6. Geography
  7. Creative Arts
  8. Personal Development / Health / Physical Education

In each of the Key Learning Areas, the teaching program focuses on the development of KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS and ATTITUDES.

Holy Family School has a strong focus on teaching the basics well. English and Mathematics are given priority with the daily timetable. Elements such as reading, writing, spelling, counting, multiplication tables and mental arithmetic are all important at the school.


Teaching staff are involved in an ongoing project which considers continual improvement of the school’s learning programs.

As part of its educational context, the school conducts the following academic programs:

  1. Religious Education: A contemporary K-6 Religious Education Program is conducted at the school. The program is based on the Bathurst Diocesan R.E, Guidelines. This program was revised recently. Classes study units of work on particular themes relevant to their age level. Aspects of the faith covered in the school program include: The Blessed Trinity, Scripture, the Church, Mary, Prayer, Liturgy and the Sacraments. The school focuses on the Liturgical Year cycle to celebrate the major feasts and seasons. The school program aims to assist students with the integration of faith and life. The Sacramental program is parish based and the school plays an active role in this program.

    The Sacrament of Penance is celebrated in Year 2, First Communion in Year 3 and Confirmation in Year 6.

  2. English: One of the Key Learning Areas. English involves the development of skills needed to read widely with understanding and enjoyment, to spell accurately, to write grammatically in a variety of forms; to understand the function of language; to listen and communicate effectively in a variety of situations; and to assess critically good literature. A graded spelling program is used at the school. A variety of teaching strategies and resources are used in teaching English at the school.

  3. Mathematics: A Key Learning Area. Mathematics involves the learning of concepts in the six strands, patterns and algebra, data, number, space, measurement working mathematically as well as space and geometry. It also includes the developing of calculating, reasoning, predicting and verifying skills; and gaining foundations for future studies of Mathematics. Classes use many resources including models, charts, calculators, computers, puzzles, Internet, games and texts to teach maths.

  4. Science and Technology: A Key Learning Area. Science and Technology involves the learning of skills of enquiry, investigations, designing and problem solving; gaining knowledge and understanding about the natural and modified environments and peoples interaction with them; acquiring a knowledge of design processes; and understanding the interaction of technology and society. Computer education forms part of this subject. The school has a comprehensive Computer Lab available for use by classes. Our work in this area aims to develop technically competent students.

  5. History: A Key Learning Area. History involves learning about our own history and that of our family. Similarities and differences in family life by comparing past to present. Community & Rememberance. First Contacts: Exploration & Colonisation in Australia and throughout the world up to the early 1800's. Australian Colonies and Australia as a Nation.

  6. Geography: A Key Learning Area. Georgraphy involves learning about My place and My Family. Features of places. Exploring places. Places are similar & different - examine natural and human features of Australia and it's neighbouring countries. Factors that shape places. A diverse and connected world.

  7. Personal Development, Health and Physical Education: A Key Learning Area. P.D.H.P.E. involves learning to develop an active, healthy lifestyle; developing skills in interpersonal relationships and positive values, attitudes and beliefs; and participating in regular physical activity. A weekly sports and P.E. program for all classes is part of this Key Learning Area. A representative sports program exists for the primary students.

  8. Creative Arts: A Key Learning Area. Teaching in this area involves developing technical competence and skills of designing and performing; and learning appreciation and self expression in the visual arts, as well as music, drama and dance.



Holy Family School places a priority on providing student learning support. The school has a part-time Support Teacher and Teacher Assistants who support the work of the class teachers. Together, remediation and learning support is provided to students in need. This learning recovery is valuable in supporting students in need of extra assistance.

The school also uses the various support services available from the Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst. This support is valued at the school and enables a team approach to assist students in greatest need.


The school provides enrichment and challenge activities for students. This is provided as an extension program conducted within the classroom. We strive to challenge the more able students vertically, within the grade and home classroom.

Class teachers have a priority focus on student achievement. We strive to provide the best learning environment available for the students given our funding levels. Class teachers make important decisions about grouping of students to best cater for their individual needs. Ability grouping is sometimes used in the class and/or across the grade to better provide for individual students. Our aim is to focus on maximizing student achievement.

ABN 15679 442 089
Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst Limited