

The following policy and procedures are in place for the administration of medications to students at Holy Family Catholic Primary School. (This Policy has been developed in conjunction with the Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst.)

1. Non-prescription medication – medications such as asprin, Panadol, cough mixtures, etc may be given to students with verbal permission from parents.

2. Prescription medication –

Parent’s responsibilities:

  • The parent/carer must complete an "Administration of Medicaton" form which is available at the office or click here to download a copy.
  • In any case involving medication which is critically important to a child’s health, parents are required to provide the school with directions in detail about the care needed to safeguard the child.

School’s responsibilities:

  • Medication is to be kept in the security room in the general office area. It is administered to the child at the general office, usually by the office staff.
  • It must be labeled with the pupil’s name and preferably be kept in a re-sealable plastic bag.
  • Details of dose and the pupil’s name should be checked by the person administering the medication.
  • The administering person, delegated by the principal, is given all relevant information provided by the parents.
  • Pupils are to be supervised while taking medication.
  • The person administering the medication logs a digital record including the student's name, date and time along with the details of the medication on our 'Compass' student admin system.

3. Specific needs –


Parents complete an Asthma/Allergies Form at the beginning of each school year. Staff are informed about pupils who suffer from Asthma and their need to have access to medication, usually a bronchodilator, at all times. If the Asthma is severe in its effects, parents should provide special guidance to enable staff to assist pupils in distress.


Parents of students with diabetes are asked to assist the school by providing thorough information and regular updates on the best management needs for their child. Staff members are given adequate knowledge and guidance for the care or pupils with diabetes. This may include workshops given by the local Diabetes Educator.


Staff are involved in First Aid and Anaphylaxis training. Class teachers have the responsibility of introducing and maintaining the ‘BE A MATE’ Program. (Make Allergy Treatment Easier). This can be incorporated into the PDHPE KLA. The program incorporates the following key learnings:

  • Always take food allergies seriously.
  • Don’t share our food with friends who have food allergies.
  • Wash your hands after eating.
  • Know what your friends are allergic to.
  • If an allergic schoolmate becomes sick, get help immediately!

4. Medical Alerts – A specific ‘Medical Alert’ form for a student with a specific medication condition is displayed in the staffroom. A copy of the Alert is issued to the class teacher, canteen, computer lab and library.

ABN 15679 442 089
Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst Limited