
Holy Family Catholic Primary School has operated a canteen since the opening of the school in 1979. The volunteer help of parents to enable the canteen to operate is great appreciated.

Our canteen is open three days a week, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. We rely heavily on volunteers, as without our volunteers, the wonderful service we provide to the students would not be possible.

A day in the canteen usually starts around 9.30am and finishes around 2.00pm. It is not hard work although can be very busy. There is no experience required and on the job training will be provided to everyone. Also a nice healthy lunch is included for volunteers working on the day! It is usually quite an enjoyable day and is often used to catch up with friends, or meet other new parents at the school. Most importantly, we provide a great service to all the students and your own children will love to see Mum, Dad or Grandparents’ faces at their canteen.

Depending on the amount of volunteers, your rostered day usually works out to be twice a term. We realise everyone is very busy so any time is appreciated. If you can only do one day a term that is fine, if you can only do half a day, that is also fine. Again, any time is appreciated and needed. Our Canteen Co-ordinator strives to keep everyone happy and works the roster to suit everyone.

If you are interested in joining the roster, you can contact the school office. If you want to team up with a friend, our Co-ordinator can do this for you.

LUNCH ORDERS - Online orders now available through "Flexischools"

Online canteen orders are now available at our HFS Canteen (lunch orders only). Instructions for Flexischools can be found on the Home Page of the website.

We hope that everyone enjoys the ease of this new service. To support our COVID-19 safety initiatives at the school, this will be our only way to order lunches.

Our Canteen follows a “Nut Free’ policy and we follow the “Healthy School Canteen” guidelines. Generally, we have low sugar and low salt food lines. We sell a wide variety of food at recess and lunch. Any food allergies need to be brought to our attention and we will always do anything possible to help with this. We encourage students to eat fresh food by offering a wide selection of fresh fruit and fresh foods. We also run various fun competitions to help with their healthy choices. The children enjoy the service of the Canteen.

Orders close by 9.30am however if you miss this deadline, you can still order from a limited range of sandwiches or toastie by 10.45am.


ABN 15679 442 089
Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst Limited